Jet Fuel Supply Contracting

No longer is the focus of jet fuel supply, on pricing. Not that we ignore prices, but the real value of the process is getting assured and safe supply.

For most clients, we will do:

-An annual tender of the supply of jet fuel and the associated IntoPlane services

-Award the supply, review the contract, recommend to management as appropriate

-During the year, arrange for ad hoc charters and be prepared for Interrupted Operations

-During the year, stay in the market trying to develop new suppliers, new IP agents, new ground service facilities

Some airlines will have us do the entire system, some airlines have us just do a section- like North America.

Jet Fuel Clerical Administration

There is more to the jet fuel department that just the pretty faces of the buyers. There are also the hermits that live in the dark and process invoices.

-Matching fuel slips to fuel invoices

-Match fuel prices to fuel invoices

-Recover taxes as appropriate

-Recommending or requisitioning payments

Some clients will ask us to do these administrative or clerical tasks, some will ask us to audit the output of these tasks.